My mathematical research interests are largely in the field of quasiconformal geometry, metric geometry, quantitative topology and in regularity of Sobolev and BV mappings.
In the field of quasiconformal and metric geometry my spesific research questions are focused on branched covers, quasiregular mappings and mappings of finite distortion between Euclidean domains. In particular, I am interested in the so called branch set of a mapping, along with the interplay of the structure of the branch set and the local & global behaviour of the mapping. I'm also interested in the structure of BLD-mappings between (sub)Riemannian manifolds and more general path-metric spaces.
In machine learning and AI I am currently focused on Natural Language Processing, especially in the setting of healthcare.
To keep up with the current advances both in my field and the surrounding fields I use arxivist. I warmly recommend a daily dosage.