I am a tall mathematician currently working as a data scientist (Healthcare AI Lead) at Digital Workforce Services with the title of a docent from the Helsinki University. I received my PhD from the University of Helsinki in 2016 and since then I've been spreading my winds at UCLA, JYU and the Charles University in Prague. For a more detailed history of me and my work, please see my one-page CV (pdf) or my quite outdated mathematical CV (pdf).
Few years ago I transitioned from the academical environment to the private sector and the process was not trivial so I naturally wrote a trilogy about it. Here are the first, the second and the third (final?) part.
My research interests in mathematics are largely in the field of quasiconformal geometry, metric geometry and quantitave topology. Outside of math my reasearch interests focus on information theory, natural language processing and AI-semiotics.
Digital Workforce Services
Mechelininkatu 1 a,
00180 Helsinki, Finland
Work e-mail: First name . Last name 'at' digitalworkforce.com
Email: First name . Last name 'at' gmail.com